Well, it's been ages since I didn't post here. First I had to wait 4 days until neighbours showed up in the game. Until then I was unable to expand the cafe, or hire waiters. Then I had some seasonal stuff to attend to, and got lazy too. But don't worry, I kept on cooking, and took some pics for you.
So I cooked and served a number of dishes, favoring those with a high point value in order to climb levels, gain more stoves, counters and waiters. As soon as the neighbours appeared, I hired the waiters and expanded the cafe a bit. Then it looked like this :
Note that the stoves are still turned with the front facing out, so the cook can't reach it, and doesn't have to run around.
I also closed the path between the kitchen and dining areas, so the waiters are forced to throw dishes at the patrons, allowing for instant service. Dirty tables are also instantly cleaned. This trick is called teleportation. This makes every customer satisfied, and buzz rating climbs very fast. Thus I had to rearrange the dining room to have more tables.
At level 15 we get 2 killer recipes : Apple crumble and Baklava. These two dishes used to be the rewards for the Astounding Expansion quest, but now they're available for everyone.
At 100 coins per serving, the crumble is the best cash cropper you'll get, as it gives a 93% net revenue. While still profitable, the Baklava is essentially a source of cafe points, with a point value around 1700. But at 35000 coins, it is is quite expensive to cook.
So I cooked a few batches of apple crumble to stockpile a good amount of money, that is around 500.000 coins. Depending on how often you log in, that takes between 1 and 3 days. Then I started to pump out bakalavas to zoom through levels.
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